Sunday 29 June 2008

T.R. Knight: No Wedding Bells Yet!

Grey's Anatomy star T.R. Knight, along with his boyfriend Mark Cornelson, stopped by the Love and Pride Ceremony at West Hollywood to help celebrate the progress in the gay rights movement.

Although rumors were running rampant that the two would tie the knot at the party, as of now, they remain just dating. But, T.R. tells OK! just what he loves about Mark, 19, "Everything!"

The actor, 35, revealed that although he believes in marriage he's just not ready to take the leap. "We've only been together for six months," he told OK!. "I strongly believe in marriage though."

Mark got a little bit more specific about what he loves about his famous beau. "His humor. He's romantic too," he told OK!.

He continued, "We just went to see Sex and the City and we both thought it was great. I'm a huge fan of the show. He never really watched the show but he really liked the movie. It was a great experience for us."

By David Lasky

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